Getting Started in the Sport
Step 1: Join an affiliated gym
Join one of Boxing ACT's affiliated gyms to learn how to box and to understand competition rules and processes. Affiliated gyms employ coaches accredited by Boxing Australia that have undergone training to ensure they understand the organisation's technical regulations designed to ensure safety and integrity of all competition. A list of affiliated gyms can be found here. Individuals living interstate should visit their local state-based member association for a list of their affiliated gyms
Step 2: Train
Boxing is a physically and mentally demanding sport. Work with your coach to ensure you are adequately prepared to compete. Individuals new to the sport can expect to train for several months before their first competition bout. Register membership with Boxing ACT and get involved in Boxing ACT's activities to assist your preparation, such as Development Camps (single-day training events involving novice boxers from a range of affiliated gyms) or Inter-club Sparring Days (sparring bouts between affiliated gyms refereed under tournament conditions). Individuals that aren't considering competing that year may wish to consider the discounted "Non-Competition Membership" to attend these events.
Step 3: Obtain Competition Membership
Consult with your coach to determine when you are ready to compete. Once they think you're ready, take out a full Competition Membership via the online application. Once your membership is accepted and the fee paid, you will be sent your Competition Record Book (also known as your "blue book"). Note that if you reside in NSW and aged 14 or over you will need to register with NSW Combat Sports and receive your Competition Record Book from them. Take this to your GP to complete a medical examination and get a referral for blood tests to check for HIV and Hep B/C. Login to the Boxing ACT website and upload details of your medical examination and blood test result against your member profile.
Step 4: Nominate for an Event
Check the Events page on the Boxing ACT website or those of other Boxing Australia member associations to find Boxing Australia sanctioned events. Please note that Boxing ACT and the other state-based Member Associations do not govern events run by other amateur or professional boxing organisations/leagues and involvement in those events could void your membership. Once you and your coach decide which events you should enter, nominate online. Be realistic when entering your weight - if you are unable to achieve your nominated weight you are at risk of your fight being cancelled on the day of competition. If entering events run interstate by another of Boxing Australia's state-based member associations you will need to request an Interstate Clearance. This is done using the online form on the Events page on the Boxing ACT website.
Once you have nominated, ensure you have all the required clothing and equipment, including competition uniforms, boots, mouthguard (cannot contain the colour red), groin guard (for males) and chest protector (for females - optional). Competition gloves will be provided on the day. Headguards are typically provided; however you may wear your own if it is the appropriate colour for your corner and approved by the International Boxing Association (IBA). Uniforms and protective equipment can be purchased via the Boxing ACT online shop - don't leave this to the last minute and allow at least a week for delivery.
Note that everyone's boxing journey is different. Some will choose to remain at the training stage, others may get involved in sparring and never wish to compete. The main thing is to get involved and progress as fast as you are comfortable.